Jagadeesh lives with his father and uncle in Bengaluru, India. As a family of farmers, they rely solely on agriculture, cultivating crops like guava, tomatoes, and beans. But since the COVID-19 outbreak prompted a citywide lockdown, their livelihood has been severely impacted.
“I don’t know what will happen in the future,” Jagadeesh confessed, his voice filled with uncertainty. The lockdown has kept consumers indoors, and with markets closed, farmers like him struggle to sell their produce. “We can’t do anything anyway,” he added helplessly.
Despite the lack of income, Jagadeesh still needs to pay his workers. The financial strain is pushing him to consider taking loans from banks just to keep his farm running. The future remains uncertain, and he is not alone in his fears. Many farmers across India are facing similar challenges as the pandemic disrupts the agricultural sector.
The situation underscores the broader impact of the lockdown on small-scale farmers. Without immediate support and innovative solutions to distribute their produce, these essential workers risk losing their livelihoods. The plight of Jagadeesh and others highlights the need for collective action to address the challenges posed by the pandemic.