Global Guardians: The First Thing After the Pandemic is to Hug video poster

Global Guardians: The First Thing After the Pandemic is to Hug

As the world grapples with the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, frontline workers like Brazilian nurse Suelen are stepping up to protect their communities. Since the outbreak in Brazil, Suelen and her colleagues have been tirelessly conducting door-to-door testing for patients under quarantine. Navigating the emotional toll of the crisis, she found it particularly hard to manage her own feelings while providing care and support to those in need.

One day, during her rounds, a female patient expressed deep gratitude, saying she wouldn’t have been able to get tested without nurses like Suelen because she didn’t dare to go out. This heartfelt acknowledgment struck a chord with Suelen, revealing the profound impact her efforts had on individuals beyond just medical testing. It was at that moment she realized that her role extended beyond clinical duties; she was also a beacon of hope and confidence for patients during these uncertain times.

For Suelen, the pandemic has underscored the importance of human connection and compassion. She longs for the day when she can embrace her father again, knowing that the comfort of a hug symbolizes safety and love—the very things she strives to provide to her patients. Her sentiment echoes the universal desire for normalcy and reconnection felt by many around the globe.

Suelen’s story is a testament to the dedication of healthcare workers worldwide, including those across Asia who are facing similar trials. Their unwavering commitment highlights the collective strength and resilience of communities coming together to overcome adversity. It reminds us that amidst the challenges, the simplest acts of kindness and the hope for a warm embrace can inspire us to keep moving forward.

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