Istanbul's Small Businesses Struggle as COVID-19 Keeps Streets Empty video poster

Istanbul’s Small Businesses Struggle as COVID-19 Keeps Streets Empty

The bustling streets of Istanbul are unusually quiet as the COVID-19 outbreak compels residents to stay indoors. This sudden change has placed immense strain on small business owners who rely on daily foot traffic to sustain their livelihoods.

Street vendors, pubs, cafes, markets, and taxi drivers find themselves at a crossroads. With a dramatic decrease in customers, some have chosen to keep their doors open in hopes of making ends meet, while others have closed shop, uncertain of when they can resume operations. The economic impact has forced many to make difficult decisions, including laying off employees.

“I used to serve dozens of customers every day,” says a local café owner. “Now, I’m lucky if I see a handful. Keeping the business open feels like a gamble, but closing means no income at all.”

The situation reflects a larger dilemma faced by small businesses across the city and the country. With no clear end in sight to the pandemic, owners are struggling to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.

Economic experts warn that without support, many small enterprises may not survive the crisis. As the backbone of Turkey’s economy, the fate of these businesses could have long-term implications for the nation’s financial health.

For now, the streets remain sparse, and the future uncertain for those whose livelihoods depend on the vibrant life that once characterized Istanbul.

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