Only 13 percent of engineers in the United States are women, according to the United States Department of Labor. Erika Bergman, a submarine pilot who is often the only woman on her underwater expeditions, is determined to change that statistic. As the founder of Girls’ Underwater Robot Camp, she is inspiring young girls around the world to dive into the fields of engineering and exploration.
Through her camp, Erika teaches girls to build their own underwater robots, opening up a world of possibilities beneath the waves. By providing hands-on experience and mentorship, she hopes to cultivate the next generation of female engineers and explorers. Her initiative not only empowers young women but also aims to close the gender gap in STEM fields globally.
Erika’s passion for the ocean and commitment to education are driving forces behind her efforts. By equipping girls with the skills and confidence to pursue careers in engineering, she is fostering a more inclusive and diverse future in technology and exploration.