At Xizang University, a young student named Sita Duoji is on a mission to preserve an ancient legend. When he closes his eyes and begins to perform “The Epic of King Gesar,” he transports his listeners to a bygone era filled with heroic deeds and mystical adventures.
“The Epic of King Gesar” is one of the world’s longest epics, passed down orally through generations. It tells the story of King Gesar, a legendary warrior who battled evil and brought prosperity to his people. This timeless tale is a cornerstone of cultural heritage in the region.
For Sita, performing the epic is more than just storytelling; it’s a way to connect with his roots and share the wisdom of his ancestors. “I feel a deep responsibility to keep this tradition alive,” he says. “Through these stories, we can inspire others and preserve our culture for future generations.”
Sita’s passion for the epic began in his childhood, listening to elders recount the tales with vivid emotion. Now, as a university student, he balances his academic pursuits with his dedication to mastering the performance of the epic. His renditions have captivated audiences both young and old, reigniting interest in the ancient legend.
By blending traditional melodies with his own interpretations, Sita brings a fresh perspective to the epic while honoring its historical significance. His efforts have not gone unnoticed; he has been invited to perform at cultural festivals and events, promoting cultural exchange and understanding.
In an era where globalization often overshadows local traditions, Sita’s commitment serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving cultural heritage. “Every time I perform, I hope to inspire others to explore and cherish their own traditions,” he reflects.
As Sita continues his journey, he embodies the spirit of King Gesar—championing courage, wisdom, and the enduring power of stories.
Xizang Time | Sita Duoji: Young storyteller keeps ancient legend alive