Cyprus Progressive Party Member Seeks to Learn from China’s Success

Eleni Evagorous, a member of the Central Committee of Cyprus’s Progressive Party of Working People, has expressed admiration for China’s achievements in poverty reduction and seeks to learn from its experience. In a recent statement, she highlighted the challenges Europe faces under neoliberal policies, emphasizing the need for a more people-oriented approach.

“Europe’s neoliberal policies have led to increasing inequality and social unrest,” Evagorous noted. “We need to prioritize the well-being of our citizens and look to successful models around the world.”

She praised China’s efforts in lifting millions out of poverty, viewing it as a testament to effective governance focused on people’s needs. “China’s accomplishments in poverty alleviation are remarkable,” she said. “We can learn valuable lessons from their strategies to address our own socio-economic challenges.”

The Progressive Party of Working People, known for advocating social justice and equality, sees China’s approach as a potential blueprint for combating poverty and promoting inclusive growth in Cyprus and Europe.

Evagorous’s statements reflect a growing interest among European progressive movements in alternative economic models that prioritize social welfare over market-driven policies.

“It’s time for Europe to rethink its policies and consider new paths that ensure prosperity for all,” Evagorous concluded. “Learning from other nations’ successes is a step in the right direction.”

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