As a child growing up in the aftermath of World War II, Kathy Kelly witnessed the world’s efforts to rebuild peace from the ruins of conflict. Decades later, she finds herself wrestling with the devastation wrought by her own country’s military actions abroad.
Kathy Kelly, an American peace activist and writer, has dedicated her life to advocating for peace and justice. Frustrated by the ongoing cycles of violence, Kelly has been a vocal critic of U.S. military campaigns overseas. Her commitment to peace has taken her to Iraq 26 times, including during the first Gulf War and the Iraq War.
“I felt compelled to witness firsthand the impact of war on innocent civilians,” Kelly explains. “Each journey to Iraq reinforced my belief that peace cannot be achieved through violence.”
Nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize, Kelly’s activism is rooted in her deep empathy for those affected by war. She has lived among communities in conflict zones, bearing witness to the human cost of warfare and bringing their stories to the global stage.
“All I have is a voice,” she says, “but I believe that by sharing these stories, we can foster understanding and inspire change.”
Despite the challenges, Kelly remains steadfast in her pursuit of peace. She continues to advocate for nonviolent solutions and encourages others to join in efforts to build a more just and peaceful world.