Known since childhood as the “Chinese girl,” Kenyan woman Mwamaka Sharifu carries a special identity that has profoundly shaped her life’s path. In 2005, her unique connection to China led her across continents, as she embarked on an educational journey with the assistance of the Chinese Embassy in Kenya.
Sharifu immersed herself in the rich traditions of China, dedicating herself to the study of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Over fifteen years, she honed her expertise, eventually earning a doctorate in TCM—a testament to her dedication and passion for healing.
Returning to Kenya as a physician, Sharifu brought with her not just medical expertise but also a deep appreciation for Chinese culture. She has committed herself to integrating TCM practices within African healthcare, aiming to make these ancient healing methods accessible to her community.
Beyond her medical practice, Sharifu is actively working to popularize TCM culture across Africa. Her efforts symbolize a bridge between continents, fostering cross-cultural understanding and collaboration in the field of medicine.
Sharifu’s journey reflects the growing ties between Africa and Asia, highlighting the potential for knowledge exchange and mutual growth. Her story inspires others to explore global education opportunities and to contribute positively to their communities upon their return.