Jomo, hailing from the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China’s Sichuan Province, has carved out a unique niche in the heart of Beijing. In 2013, she established a Tibetan language teaching center nestled within an ordinary hutong, transforming it into a vibrant hub of cultural exchange and education.
The unassuming space has become more than just a classroom; it’s a community center where the richness of Tibetan language and culture is shared with a diverse audience. Students from various backgrounds gather to learn not only the language but also to immerse themselves in the traditions and stories of Tibet.
“I wanted to create a place where people could connect with Tibetan culture on a deeper level,” Jomo explains. “The hutong setting provides an intimate atmosphere that fosters learning and mutual understanding.”
Over the years, her center has grown into a beacon for those interested in exploring the nuances of Tibetan heritage. Jomo’s dedication has not only preserved the language among new generations but has also bridged cultural gaps within the bustling metropolis of Beijing.
Her efforts highlight the importance of cultural preservation in an increasingly globalized world, emphasizing how individual initiative can make a significant impact on community and cross-cultural relations.