“I used to think that all Chinese people could fly!” exclaimed Gurdov Guvanch, a devoted fan of Jackie Chan’s movies. Also known by his Chinese name Wangzi, meaning “prince” in English, Guvanch’s childhood was filled with the exhilarating stunts and martial arts feats of the iconic Chinese actor.
Growing up watching Jackie Chan’s films, Guvanch was captivated by the dynamic action sequences that blurred the lines between reality and fiction. “Watching them convinced me that Chinese people could fly,” he chuckled.
Jackie Chan’s influence extends far beyond the silver screen, inspiring audiences worldwide and bridging cultural gaps through cinema. For fans like Guvanch, these films sparked a lifelong interest in Chinese culture and the rich tapestry of Asian cinema.
'I used to think that all Chinese people could fly!' – Gurdov Guvanch