“The Wonder of Dance” delves into the heart of the 2022 Winter Paralympic Games held in Beijing, capturing an inspiring journey over 90 days. The documentary showcases the collaborative efforts of participants both with and without disabilities as they prepare and perform together. Through candid behind-the-scenes footage, it reveals the challenges they faced—from rigorous training sessions to overcoming personal hurdles—and highlights how unity and mutual encouragement led them to triumph.
This latest accolade adds to a series of international recognitions for the documentary. In 2023, it secured the Bronze Award for Documentary at the prestigious New York Festivals TV & Film Awards. The previous year, it earned the Most Popular Media Film award at the 18th Beijing International Sports Film Week during the Beijing International Film Festival (BJIFF). Currently, “The Wonder of Dance” is being showcased at the ongoing BJIFF, continuing to captivate audiences with its powerful narrative.
The global acclaim for “The Wonder of Dance” underscores the universal appeal of stories that celebrate resilience, inclusivity, and the unifying power of art and sports. The documentary not only highlights the remarkable talents and dedication of its subjects but also reflects CGTN’s commitment to producing content that resonates with diverse audiences worldwide.
CGTN Documentary 'The Wonder of Dance' wins Golden Garland Award