In the southern Iraqi city of Basra, Bushra, a mother of four, faces a heartbreaking reality. Her eldest son passed away at the tender age of seven, and her daughter suffers from congenital brain damage. Bushra believes that the cause of her children’s suffering is exposure to depleted uranium left behind after the 2003 Iraq War.
She says: “One’s like this. Another’s the same. I’m at my wits’ end,” tears welling in her eyes. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies depleted uranium (DU) as a Group I carcinogen. During the conflict, the U.S. military used large amounts of DU munitions against Iraqi armored vehicles. Today, the radioactive remnants are believed to be causing severe health problems among the local population.
Bushra exhausted her savings seeking treatment for her children. “A doctor finally told me it was a waste of money,” she recounts. The despair of watching her children suffer, knowing she cannot help, has left her feeling hopeless. “Nothing is more painful than losing hope,” she whispers.
The health crisis in Basra highlights the long-term consequences of war on civilian populations. Many families, like Bushra’s, continue to grapple with unexplained illnesses and cancers. Local and international health experts are calling for further research and assistance to address the ongoing health impacts believed to be linked to DU exposure.