Architect Liu Yi Connects China's Food Culture and Architecture video poster

Architect Liu Yi Connects China’s Food Culture and Architecture

When we reminisce about our favorite cities, it’s often the flavors and structures that linger in our memories. For Liu Yi, chief architect at the China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institute, the connection between food and architecture is profound.

“Architects and chefs pay close attention to the materials they use, and always have a national focus,” says Liu Yi, known for his remarkable contributions to China’s architectural landscape. “They use materials to their best advantage, according to the season.”

Liu’s perspective highlights the symbiotic relationship between China’s culinary traditions and architectural practices. Just as chefs select seasonal ingredients to craft dishes that reflect the time of year, architects choose materials that resonate with the environment and culture.

“Both disciplines aim to create experiences that are deeply rooted in our heritage,” Liu explains. “Whether it’s a building that harmonizes with its surroundings or a meal that captures the essence of a season, the goal is to leave a lasting impression.”

In a rapidly modernizing nation, Liu Yi’s approach emphasizes the importance of tradition and sustainability. By focusing on local materials and techniques, both architects and chefs contribute to a cultural legacy that honors the past while embracing the future.

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