CGTN, China Global Television Network, has launched a new documentary titled “Through the Storm,” providing a comprehensive look into China's three-year battle against COVID-19. The film explores the challenges and triumphs experienced by the nation as it navigated the unprecedented global pandemic.
The documentary seeks to answer three pivotal questions that have arisen throughout the pandemic: Why did China choose a unique path in combating the virus? What measures has China implemented over the past three years following the initial outbreak in Wuhan and before reopening? Can China achieve a solid economic and social recovery in 2023?
Through the Storm offers insights from a diverse range of voices, including frontline intensive care specialists, village doctors, community workers, volunteers, and decision-makers. Their perspectives shed light on the strategies and efforts employed to manage the virus's impact and aim to provide a deeper understanding beyond prevailing narratives.
By delving into personal stories and national policies, the documentary paints a picture of resilience and adaptability. It highlights how different sectors of society contributed to the collective response and examines the implications for China's future growth and development in the post-pandemic era.
Through the Storm: A look back into China's 3-year COVID battle