In 2016, three young university graduates from Hong Kong embarked on a journey to Jiangmen City in east China’s Guangdong Province to pursue their agricultural dreams. Driven by a shared passion for sustainable farming, they aimed to make a difference in the agricultural industry by introducing innovative techniques.
Upon arrival, the trio faced numerous challenges, including adapting to a new environment, overcoming technical hurdles, and securing funding for their venture. Despite these obstacles, their determination never wavered.
After years of perseverance, they successfully built their own aquaponics agricultural factory. This innovative system combines aquaculture and hydroponics, allowing them to produce vegetables in a sustainable and efficient manner. Today, their facility boasts an annual output of 300 tonnes of fresh vegetables, supplying local markets and contributing to the region’s food security.
Their success story not only highlights the entrepreneurial spirit of Hong Kong youths but also underscores the opportunities available within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. By embracing advanced agricultural technologies, they have set a benchmark for sustainable farming practices in the region.
The young entrepreneurs hope their journey inspires others to pursue their passions and contribute to the development of sustainable industries across Asia.
Hong Kong youth's organic farming start-up in Greater Bay Area