A highly anticipated sequel to the Chinese mythology blockbuster is set to enchant global audiences this upcoming Chinese New Year. Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force, directed by the visionary Wuershan, will be released on January 29, the first day of the Chinese New Year. The film will reach viewers in the United States, Canada, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, France, select locations in Italy, as well as the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao special administrative regions.
The film continues the epic tale rooted in ancient Chinese mythology, promising to captivate international audiences with its rich storytelling and stunning visuals. To build excitement, several English-language posters have been unveiled, offering a glimpse into the mythological world that awaits.
Director Wuershan is renowned for his ability to bring legendary stories to life on the big screen. This sequel is expected to delve deeper into mythological narratives, showcasing the unique allure of Chinese culture to a global audience.
The announcement was made via the official Weibo account of Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force, signaling a significant step in promoting Chinese cinema on the world stage.
Chinese mythology blockbuster sequel announces worldwide release