After lying in silence for over two millennia beneath Chengdu’s bustling Commercial Street, a remarkable relic of the ancient Shu civilization has been painstakingly restored to its former glory. Unearthed in 2000, the lacquer bed from the Warring States Period (475–221 BCE) has captivated archaeologists and historians alike with its intricate designs and mysterious symbols.
The discovery of the bed, dismantled and carefully placed within a coffin, presented a formidable challenge to cultural relics experts. It took 17 years of meticulous restoration to piece together the hundreds of fragments, revealing an exquisite artifact that offers a rare glimpse into the artistry and craftsmanship of the Shu people.
Adorned with returning dragon patterns, coiled serpent motifs, and enigmatic symbols, the lacquer bed is more than a piece of ancient furniture—it is a cultural treasure that sheds light on the grandeur and mystique of the Shu civilization. The intricate designs signify the Shu people’s deep connection with mythology and their sophisticated aesthetic sensibilities.
“The restoration of the lacquer bed is a significant achievement,” said Li Ming, a leading archaeologist involved in the project. “It not only revives an extraordinary artifact but also enriches our understanding of the ancient Shu culture.”
The Shu civilization, centered in what is now Sichuan Province, remains one of China’s most enigmatic ancient cultures. Discoveries like the restored lacquer bed contribute valuable insights into their societal structures, beliefs, and artistic developments.
The unveiling of the restored bed has generated excitement among scholars and the public, sparking renewed interest in the ancient Shu. It stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of a civilization that continues to fascinate and inspire discoveries in the world of archaeology.
Painstakingly restored lacquer bed revives ancient Shu civilization