In 2005, Japanese drummer Funky Sueyoshi crossed paths with the Chinese band Buyi, marking the beginning of an extraordinary journey. What began with misunderstandings soon blossomed into a firm friendship, cemented by a shared passion for music. Today, Funky and Buyi share a deep bond and countless precious memories that transcend borders.
As an instrumental figure in the evolution of Chinese rock music since 1990, Funky Sueyoshi has actively contributed to the genre’s growth across China. His dedication helped promote Chinese rock on a broader scale, bridging cultural gaps through the universal language of music. His firsthand experience offers a unique perspective on the development of the rock scene in China.
However, after joining Buyi, this musical pioneer took a surprising step back from the mainstream music scene. Fans and fellow musicians alike have wondered about the reasons behind his musical silence. What led Funky Sueyoshi to retreat from the spotlight, and what stories lie behind this intriguing chapter of his life?
A Japanese drummer's rock solid connection with a Chinese band