Shanghai, China—Eirwen Davies, a renowned production executive at the BBC and known for the critically acclaimed British black comedy series \”Inside No.9\”, expressed her delight over the show’s growing popularity in China. As a jury member at this year’s Shanghai TV Festival, Davies shared her enthusiasm for cross-cultural appreciation and collaboration.
\”It is wonderful to hear and know that people from lots of different cultures love your work,\” Davies said during an exclusive interview with CGTN’s Zhang Meng. \”The more collaboration of people wherever they are from, the more that can be achieved.\”
Davies’ visit to Shanghai marks a significant step toward fostering greater cultural cooperation between China and the United Kingdom. Her insights highlight the universal appeal of storytelling and the potential for creative partnerships across borders.
The Shanghai TV Festival, one of Asia’s most prestigious television events, provides a platform for industry professionals from around the world to showcase their work and explore new opportunities. Davies’ role as a jury member underscores the festival’s commitment to international engagement.
As \”Inside No.9\” continues to resonate with audiences in China, Davies hopes that this mutual appreciation will lead to more collaborative projects between Chinese and British creatives. \”There’s so much we can learn from each other,\” she noted. \”Embracing different perspectives enriches our narratives and brings fresh ideas to the screen.\”
Production exec Eirwen Davies delighted 'Inside No.9' popular in China