The American science fiction blockbuster Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, released by 20th Century Studios and Disney, has made a significant impact on China’s box office since its release on May 10. The film has raked in over 90 million yuan (approximately $12 million) and is poised to cross the 100 million yuan mark in the coming days.
The strong performance of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes can be attributed to its thrilling storyline and stunning visual effects. Released in various formats, including IMAX, the film offers audiences an immersive cinematic experience. Erik Winquist of Weta Digital, a veteran with nearly two decades of experience in visual effects, highlighted the impact of the film’s visuals through a key landscape shot.
“This long aerial shot takes us down a river, and we see the skyscrapers open up in front of us,” Winquist explained. “I’d been watching that on loops for weeks and thought, ‘This is going to be great.’ It wasn’t until I was sitting close to a very big screen in a screening room and actually watching it in full that I realized how much more information was there. Sitting close to a regular-sized screen was eye-opening. You can imagine, on an IMAX screen, the experience is going to be really fantastic.”
The film’s success underscores the growing appreciation for high-quality visual effects and immersive storytelling among Chinese audiences. As Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes continues its strong run, it reflects the global appeal of science fiction cinema and the increasing importance of the Chinese market in the international box office landscape.
American sci-fi blockbuster approaches 100 mln yuan mark at box office