In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have unearthed the world’s largest known Deinonychus footprints at the Longxian dinosaur-track site in Longyan, Fujian Province. This remarkable find has led to the naming of a new species, Fujianipus yingliangi.
Announced on May 6 by a team of domestic and international scientists from the China University of Geosciences and the Yingliang Stone Natural History Museum, the discovery sheds new light on the diversity of dinosaur species that once roamed the region.
The Longxian track site is a treasure trove of well-preserved dinosaur footprints, covering a vast area and showcasing a diverse array of species. To date, footprints from at least eight different types of track-making dinosaurs have been identified, including large sauropods, ornithopods, large three-toed theropods, two-toed deinonychosaurs, and small theropods.
Among these, twelve footprints belonging to two-toed deinonychosaurs stand out for their size and distinct morphology. These footprints have been clearly categorized into different types based on their dimensions and shapes, providing invaluable insights into the behavior and physical characteristics of these prehistoric creatures.
The identification of Fujianipus yingliangi not only marks a significant addition to the fossil record but also highlights the rich paleontological heritage of Fujian Province. Researchers believe that this discovery will pave the way for further studies on dinosaur diversity and distribution in Asia, offering a deeper understanding of the ancient ecosystems that once existed in the region.
Professor Li Jianjun from the China University of Geosciences remarked, “The size and preservation of these footprints are exceptional. They offer a rare glimpse into the lives of Deinonychus species that inhabited this area millions of years ago.”
The discovery has garnered attention from the global scientific community, with paleontologists eager to explore the site further. The findings underscore the importance of international collaboration in uncovering and studying fossils that hold keys to Earth’s distant past.
As excavations continue, scientists remain hopeful that more groundbreaking discoveries await at the Longxian site, potentially unveiling new species and enriching our understanding of dinosaur evolution.