For the past three years, photographer Wang Wen-hsien from Beigang Town on the island of Taiwan has embarked on a captivating journey across the Taiwan Strait to Meizhou Island in Fujian Province, southeastern China. His mission: to capture the spirit of Mazu, the revered goddess of the sea.
Mazu, celebrated across southern China and beyond, is a symbol of protection and guidance for those who traverse the seas. Wang's dedication to photographing events related to Mazu reflects his deep appreciation for the shared cultural heritage between communities on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.
Through his lens, Wang documents the vibrant festivals and heartfelt rituals on Meizhou Island, often regarded as the birthplace of Mazu. His photographs illustrate the enduring traditions and the profound devotion of the people who honor the goddess.
Wang's journey underscores the cultural connections that transcend geographical boundaries, highlighting the mutual appreciation of ancient customs and beliefs. His work serves as a visual narrative of unity, fostering a deeper understanding of the collective history and spiritual ties among the residents of Taiwan and the people of southeastern China.