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Across the Taiwan Strait: The Twin Statues of Mazu Connecting the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan

Perched majestically on Meizhou Island in Fujian Province, southeastern China, stands a magnificent statue of the revered sea goddess, Mazu. This iconic landmark overlooks the sea, serving as a guardian to sailors and a symbol of maritime heritage. Each year, countless visitors journey to this site, drawn by the statue's grandeur and the legends that surround it.

What many may not realize is that this statue has a twin, gazing back from across the Taiwan Strait. Atop the Mazu Culture Tower at Chaotian Temple in Beigang on the island of Taiwan, the counterpart statue mirrors its sister. Together, these twin statues symbolize a shared cultural heritage and the enduring spiritual bonds between people on both sides of the strait.

Mazu, worshipped as the goddess of the sea, has been a unifying figure in Chinese maritime culture for centuries. Born on Meizhou Island according to lore, her influence spread across coastal regions, offering protection to sailors and fishermen. The twin statues not only honor this beloved deity but also represent a bridge connecting communities separated by the waters.

The story of how these statues came to stand facing each other is a testament to the historical ties and mutual veneration of Mazu. They serve as silent ambassadors of peace and cultural connection, reminding us of shared traditions and the hope for harmonious relations in the future.

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