The upcoming ninth edition of the Asian Winter Games, set to commence on February 7, has injected fresh vitality into Harbin’s local economy, particularly in tourism and related industries. As the capital of northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province, Harbin is pulling out all the stops to offer visitors an unforgettable experience.
From the Harbin Taiping International Airport to the bustling downtown area, symbols of the Asian Winter Games adorn nearly every corner of the city. Central Street, one of Harbin’s main thoroughfares, boasts a massive flagship Asian Winter Games official store covering 2,000 square meters, capable of accommodating over 800 shoppers simultaneously.
The store offers approximately 1,500 products across 21 categories, including mascot figurines, decorations, backpacks, and clothing. Merchandise featuring the Games’ mascots, Siberian tigers Binbin and Nini, are among the most popular items, drawing eager crowds of visitors and locals alike.
Beyond retail, many local students have volunteered to support the Asian Winter Games. Their responsibilities range from providing traffic guidance and mobile phone charging stations to distributing hot water and hand warmers to tourists braving the winter chill.
“We are delighted to assist visitors and make their stay in Harbin more comfortable,” said one volunteer. “It’s our way of contributing to the success of the Asian Winter Games while creating cherished memories.”
The city’s efforts reflect a broader commitment to hospitality and showcase Harbin’s unique charm during this significant international event. With the Games fast approaching, Harbin stands ready to welcome athletes and tourists from across Asia, promising an experience rich in culture, warmth, and excitement.
Harbin ready to make tourists feel at home during Asian Winter Games