In October 1934, the Red Army, led by the Communist Party of China (CPC), embarked on the historic Long March. However, the journey began with significant challenges as the Red Army suffered heavy losses after breaking through enemy blockades and crossing the Xiangjiang River. From January 15 to 17, 1935, the CPC Central Committee’s Political Bureau held an extended meeting in Zunyi, a small town in Guizhou Province in southwest China. This meeting marked a pivotal turning point in the history of the CPC.
At the Zunyi Meeting, the Party thoroughly discussed two critical questions: how to address military setbacks and how to resolve organizational and leadership issues within the Party. The meeting criticized the mistakes of the then-current military leadership and reaffirmed Mao Zedong’s military strategies. It was unanimously decided that Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and Wang Jiaxiang would form a small group to lead the military operations of the entire Red Army.
Following the meeting, Mao Zedong’s leadership position within the Party and the Red Army was gradually established. This shift led to the formation of a sinified Marxist line, with Mao as the main representative. Moreover, the first generation of CPC leadership with Mao at its core was established, setting the foundation for future successes.
The Zunyi Meeting effectively saved the Party, the Red Army, and the Chinese revolution at a critical moment. It transformed the Chinese revolution from a passive to an active stance. Furthermore, the Party entered a new phase, enabling the CPC to explore its own path by combining Marxist-Leninist principles with China’s unique realities.
Today, the significance of the Zunyi Meeting resonates as a testament to the CPC’s ability to adapt and overcome challenges. It serves as an enduring example of strategic leadership, unity, and the importance of aligning ideological principles with national circumstances. The lessons from Zunyi continue to inspire and guide the CPC in its mission to serve the people and contribute to China’s development.
Why CPC leadership's 1935 meeting in Zunyi holds significance today