In Yulin City, nestled in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, the ancient art of jujube wood carving thrives in the hands of master craftsman Yang Yanfei. With a deep-rooted passion developed since childhood, Yang has dedicated his life to transforming the venerable jujube trees—cultivated in the province for over 3,000 years—into works of art.
At the age of 16, Yang embarked on his journey into wood carving. His unique approach involves closely observing the natural shape of each piece of wood before carving. He contemplates what the wood resembles, allowing its innate form to guide his creative process. By retaining the wood’s natural characteristics, Yang captures its intrinsic value and beauty.
Yang’s method not only honors the ancient traditions of jujube wood carving but also bridges heritage with contemporary artistry. His work serves as a testament to the enduring connection between the people of Shaanxi Province and the timeless jujube trees, reflecting a harmony between nature and craftsmanship.
Traditional craft that bridges heritage and contemporary artistry