China Media Group (CMG) has premiered an enthralling new nature documentary titled Mi Jing Shen Chu (Into the Hidden Realm) on its flagship channel, CCTV-1. This six-part series, jointly produced with the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, takes viewers on an immersive journey through China’s most breathtaking national parks and nature reserves.
From the majestic snow-capped peaks of the Tibetan Plateau to the lush tropical rainforests of Xishuangbanna, the documentary showcases the stunning diversity of China’s natural landscapes. It delves into six unique ecological treasures, offering rare glimpses into the rose-colored lakes of the northwestern deserts and the tranquil bamboo seas nestled deep within the Qinling Mountains.
Into the Hidden Realm not only highlights the extraordinary beauty of these regions but also seeks to foster a deeper appreciation for the preservation of these natural wonders. By shedding light on the rich biodiversity and ecological significance of these areas, the series aims to inspire viewers around the world.
This documentary underscores China’s commitment to environmental conservation and provides an opportunity for global audiences to connect with the country’s diverse ecosystems.