In the heart of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, a remarkable environmental achievement was celebrated on November 28, 2024. In Yutian County, on the southern edge of the vast Taklimakan Desert, the planting of the final rose seedling marked the completion of a continuous green belt encircling the desert’s southern rim.
This initiative represents a significant milestone in China’s ongoing efforts to combat desertification and promote sustainable land use. The Taklimakan Desert, known as the “Sea of Death,” is China’s largest desert, notorious for its harsh conditions and moving sands that threaten surrounding communities and ecosystems.
Despite this accomplishment, the work is far from over. Local authorities and communities are intensifying efforts to widen and strengthen the green belt. Bulldozers rumble across the landscape, leveling dunes, filling large pits, and smoothing over more than 530 hectares of sandy land in Yutian County. This expansion aims to reinforce the barrier against desert encroachment, protect agricultural lands, and enhance biodiversity in the region.
As the green belt expands, new goals include improving soil quality, introducing diverse plant species suited to the arid climate, and fostering sustainable economic opportunities for local residents. The project not only curbs the spread of the desert but also offers the potential for eco-tourism and educational initiatives focused on environmental conservation.
The continued commitment to combating desertification reflects a broader regional strategy to balance ecological preservation with economic development. As the bulldozers continue their work, the encircled Taklimakan Desert stands as a testament to human perseverance and the collective efforts to harmonize with nature.