In the wake of the devastating earthquakes that struck Vanuatu, Chinese Ambassador Li Minggang visited the families of Chinese nationals who lost their lives in the disaster. On Wednesday, Ambassador Li expressed his deepest condolences to the victims and offered heartfelt sympathy to their grieving families. During his visit, Ambassador Li assured the families that the Chinese Embassy would provide all necessary assistance during this difficult time. He emphasized the embassy’s commitment to supporting the affected families and coordinating with local authorities to facilitate post-disaster arrangements. “We stand with you in solidarity and will do everything within our power to assist you,” Ambassador Li told the families. He also urged the Vanuatu government and relevant authorities to implement swift and effective measures to address the aftermath of the disaster, highlighting the importance of cooperation in the recovery process. Vanuatu was hit by a powerful 7.3-magnitude earthquake on December 17, resulting in at least 14 fatalities and injuring over 200 people. The catastrophic event caused significant destruction to infrastructure and left communities in turmoil. Just days later, on December 22, a 6.1-magnitude aftershock further exacerbated the damage, complicating relief efforts. In response to the crisis, China dispatched a team of four technical specialists to Vanuatu to assist with recovery efforts. According to a statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday, the team will conduct scientific examinations of building structures in the severely affected areas. Their work will include safety assessments and investigations into potential secondary disasters, aiming to enhance the resilience of local infrastructure and prevent further harm. The collaborative efforts underscore the strengthening ties between China and Vanuatu as they work together to overcome the challenges posed by natural disasters. The Chinese specialists’ expertise is expected to significantly contribute to the Pacific island nation’s recovery and rebuilding initiatives.
Chinese Ambassador visits families of earthquake victims in Vanuatu