In the remote and vast expanse of Hoh Xil, nestled on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in northwest China, a group of dedicated rangers stands as guardians of the endangered Tibetan antelope. Among them is De Ga, a seasoned ranger at the Wudaoliang Protection Station, who has spent the past decade patrolling these rugged lands.
Every May, the grasslands of Hoh Xil come alive as thousands of Tibetan antelopes embark on their annual migration. The journey is fraught with dangers, not least of which are the busy highways that cut across their path. Rangers like De Ga work tirelessly to ensure that these majestic creatures can cross safely, managing traffic and guiding the herds away from harm.
But traffic is just one of the challenges. Heavy rainfall often swells the rivers, creating treacherous crossings for the antelopes, especially the vulnerable calves. Rangers wade through icy, chest-deep waters, braving hypothermia and exhaustion, ready to assist any animal in distress.
“At 4,800 meters above sea level, it feels like carrying 60 kilograms on your back,” says De Ga, describing the relentless fatigue of high-altitude work. Despite the physical toll and the monotonous diet of instant noodles, he and his fellow rangers remain unwavering in their commitment.
“We endure these hardships because we are protecting life,” he reflects. Their steadfast dedication ensures that the Tibetan antelope, a symbol of the plateau’s wild beauty, continues to roam free across its ancestral lands.