CGTN is set to launch a compelling new documentary series titled “Harmony Keepers: Tales of Nature’s Guardians.” The series delves into the inspiring stories of individuals dedicated to preserving some of Asia’s most treasured wildlife.
From the vast plateaus where the endangered Tibetan antelopes roam to the dense forests home to the golden snub-nosed monkeys, “Harmony Keepers” brings to light the relentless efforts of those who have made it their life’s mission to protect these species.
Viewers will journey alongside the guardians of the black-necked cranes as they navigate challenging terrains to ensure the survival of these majestic birds. The series also highlights the revival of the milu deer population, a testament to human commitment to environmental conservation.
Through intimate storytelling and breathtaking visuals, “Harmony Keepers” not only showcases the beauty of these creatures but also emphasizes the profound connection between humans and nature. The documentary underscores the importance of preserving biodiversity for future generations.
By spotlighting these unsung heroes, CGTN aims to raise awareness about wildlife conservation and inspire global audiences to support efforts that safeguard our planet’s ecological heritage.