A groundbreaking factory dedicated to producing flying cars has commenced construction in Guangzhou, the capital of south China’s Guangdong Province. Commissioned by XPENG AEROHT, the flying car affiliate of electric vehicle maker XPENG, the manufacturing base is heralded as the world’s first mass-production facility for flying cars.
The first phase of the factory spans 18 hectares and is focused on producing the air module for the modular flying car known as the “Land Aircraft Carrier.” According to the company, the facility has a designed annual capacity of 10,000 units.
The “Land Aircraft Carrier,” which successfully completed its manned test flight in September, is slated to begin pre-sales by the end of the year, stated Zhao Deli, founder of XPENG AEROHT.
Guangzhou is among a growing number of Chinese cities eager to tap into the burgeoning low-altitude economy. Its Huangpu District is home to over 50 enterprises devoted to this sector, encompassing development, manufacturing, and application, according to local officials.
Additionally, Beijing plans to host more than 5,000 enterprises in the low-altitude economy by 2027. The Chinese capital aims to expand its low-altitude flight scenarios, including emergency rescue and express delivery services.
Flying car factory breaks ground in S China's Guangdong Province