CGTN's Super Night, the acclaimed New Year's Eve gala, is generating excitement as host Sergey offers a sneak peek into the festivities with an unboxing of the Super Night gift box. The gift box, filled with traditional Chinese New Year items, highlights the cultural richness of the upcoming celebrations.
The unboxing reveals an array of treasures, from vibrant decorations symbolizing prosperity and good luck to traditional delicacies enjoyed during the holiday season. Sergey's exploration of the gift box provides insights into the customs and practices that make the Chinese New Year a significant event for millions around the world.
Scheduled to air at 7:30 pm on January 28, 2025, CGTN's Super Night gala aims to bring together global audiences through a showcase of performances, traditions, and stories that reflect the diverse cultures of Asia. The program is anticipated to feature a blend of music, dance, and artistic presentations that honor the past while embracing the future.
Sergey's unboxing serves as a gateway for viewers to connect with the essence of the Chinese New Year. By sharing the symbolism behind each item, he invites audiences to deepen their understanding of the festival's significance and the values it promotes, such as family unity, hope, and renewal.
The Super Night gala represents more than just entertainment; it is a celebration of cultural heritage and a platform for fostering global connections. As the New Year approaches, the event offers an opportunity for people around the world to join in the festivities and appreciate the traditions that have been cherished for generations.
SEE WHAT’S INSIDE a Super Night gift box – with CGTN Host Sergey