Saturday marks World Migratory Bird Day, an annual event dedicated to raising awareness and calling for global action to protect the billions of birds that migrate across our planet.
This year, for the first time, the theme \"Protect Insects, Protect Birds\" shines a spotlight on the critical role of insects in the lifecycle of migratory birds and highlights the alarming decline of global insect populations.
Insects are not just tiny creatures buzzing in the background; they are a vital food source for many bird species, especially during migration when birds need significant energy reserves. The decline in insect populations poses a serious threat to migratory birds, potentially disrupting migration patterns and survival rates.
World Migratory Bird Day aims to encourage individuals, communities, and governments to take action in protecting insect habitats, reducing pesticide use, and supporting conservation efforts that benefit both insects and birds.
World Migratory Bird Day: Global insect decline threatens birds