In the heart of Beigang Town on the island of Taiwan stands Chaotian Temple, one of the oldest and most revered temples dedicated to the sea goddess Mazu. In the 1970s, a local resident named Tsai Fu-hsiung embarked on a quest to uncover the deeper story behind the goddess who had been a significant presence throughout his life.
Born and raised beside Chaotian Temple, Tsai felt a profound connection to Mazu. His curiosity led him to delve into the history and legends surrounding the goddess, igniting a journey that would transcend geographical boundaries and span the Taiwan Strait.
Tsai's research took him across the strait to Meizhou Island in Fujian Province, the reputed birthplace of Mazu. This voyage not only deepened his understanding of the goddess but also highlighted the shared cultural heritage between the people on both sides of the strait.
Tsai's voyage of discovery underscores the enduring cultural bonds shared across the Taiwan Strait. Through the reverence of Mazu, communities on both sides continue to celebrate their common heritage, bridging distances and fostering understanding.
How a temple on the island of Taiwan inspired a voyage of discovery