A groundbreaking micro-drama series focusing on the preservation of ancient books has captured audiences since its online debut in November. As the first of its kind to tackle this subject, the series comprises 15 episodes, each lasting three to five minutes, blending education with engaging storytelling.
The series has proven popular among young viewers, igniting interest and raising awareness about the importance of safeguarding ancient texts. By bringing these historical treasures to the digital forefront, it connects modern audiences with the rich cultural heritage of the past.
This innovative project is a collaborative effort between the National Library of China, streaming platform Yangshipin of China Media Group, and the Hongguo Short Drama Platform under Douyin Group. Their partnership signifies a commitment to utilizing contemporary media platforms to promote cultural preservation.
CGTN reporter Yang Yan explores how this micro-drama series is making a significant impact on cultural awareness and the preservation of ancient literature in the digital age.
Micro-drama series about preserving ancient texts launches online