An enchanting immersive light show titled “Naked Flowers” has illuminated Beijing, adding a vibrant touch to the celebrations marking the 25th anniversary of Macao’s return to China. Residents and visitors alike are flocking to experience this mesmerizing fusion of digital art, fragrance, and light.
The light show offers a multi-sensory journey, where technology and art converge to create an otherworldly experience. Attendees are transported into a realm of blooming virtual flowers, reflective mirrors, and aromatic scents that stimulate both the senses and the imagination.
CGTN host Liu Mohan recently toured the exhibition alongside two special guests—college students from Macao studying in Beijing. Their exploration of the show provided unique insights into how the event resonates with Macao residents living away from home.
“It’s like a piece of Macao here in Beijing,” shared one of the students. “The blending of cultures and the innovative display make us feel connected to our roots while embracing the future.”
The “Naked Flowers” exhibition not only celebrates a significant milestone in China’s history but also symbolizes unity and cultural exchange. It invites audiences from all backgrounds to reflect on the past 25 years and look forward to continued growth and collaboration between Macao and the rest of China.
The event has become a highlight for art enthusiasts, families, and tourists seeking immersive cultural experiences in the heart of the capital. As the anniversary approaches, “Naked Flowers” stands as a testament to Macao’s vibrant heritage and its enduring bond with the mainland.