Standing amidst the sun-baked ruins of Jiaohe, an ancient city in Turpan, northwest China, Gulbakram Mumin reflects on her family’s enduring legacy. Raised beside these millennia-old remnants, she watched her father and grandfather dedicate their lives to preserving this historical treasure.
Inspired by their devotion, Gulbakram pursued studies in history and heritage protection at university. “The stories of Jiaohe were always a part of my life,” she recalls. “I wanted to ensure that future generations could also experience its wonders.”
Returning home, she embraced her role as a cultural relics guardian at the site. Each day, she navigates the labyrinthine streets of the ancient city, safeguarding its secrets and sharing them with visitors. “It’s more than a job; it’s a calling,” she says with a smile.
Gulbakram believes that preserving Jiaohe is not just about protecting the past but also about educating the present. She organizes educational tours for both young and old, opening their eyes to the mysteries and stories etched into the city’s walls. “When people connect with history, they gain a deeper understanding of our shared heritage,” she explains.
Her efforts are part of a larger movement to protect China’s rich cultural history. “Heritage sites like Jiaohe are irreplaceable,” Gulbakram emphasizes. “They tell the stories of who we are and where we come from.”
As she continues her work, Gulbakram remains committed to the legacy passed down by her father and grandfather. “I’m proud to follow in their footsteps,” she says. “Together, we’re ensuring that Jiaohe’s history lives on.”