An enchanting dance drama unveiling the stories of the Dazu Rock Carvings and the skilled sculptors behind them is set to debut at Beijing’s Poly Theatre. Through a captivating performance, it unfurls 400 years of history, shining a spotlight on the unsung carving craftsmen, including the 46 named artisans from the Dazu inscriptions.
Produced by the China Oriental Performing Arts Group, this performance celebrates the enduring legacy of master sculptors whose work has left an indelible mark on human civilization. Audiences will be taken on a journey through time, exploring the cultural and artistic significance of the Dazu Rock Carvings.
“We are thrilled to bring this rich history to the stage,” said a representative from the China Oriental Performing Arts Group. “Our aim is to honor the artisans and share their remarkable stories with the world.”
The dance drama promises a mesmerizing blend of artistry and storytelling, offering insights into the lives and passions of the craftsmen behind one of China’s most treasured cultural heritage sites.
CGTN reporter Yang Yan went behind the scenes of this production, providing an exclusive glimpse into the creative process and the dedication of the performers and production team.
The debut of this dance drama marks a significant cultural event, inviting audiences to connect with history and appreciate the timeless contributions of these master sculptors.
The performance will premiere soon at Beijing’s Poly Theatre, with tickets available through official channels.
Dance drama set to portray cultural journey spanning 400 years