Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), with a history spanning thousands of years, continues to leave its mark far beyond Asia. In Mexico, this ancient form of healing is not just a novelty but a flourishing practice found in almost every city.
The popularity of traditional Eastern medicine in Mexico reflects a growing appreciation for holistic health approaches. From herbal remedies to acupuncture, Mexican practitioners and patients alike are embracing techniques that have been honed over millennia.
In the heart of Mexico City, one can find one of the oldest postgraduate acupuncture schools outside the Chinese mainland. This institution stands as a testament to the deep-rooted connection between Mexico and traditional Chinese medicine, offering advanced education to practitioners dedicated to mastering these ancient techniques.
CGTN’s Franc Contreras recently visited this esteemed school, highlighting its role in bridging cultures and promoting alternative medical practices. The school’s presence underscores Mexico’s commitment to expanding its medical horizons and integrating diverse healing traditions into its healthcare landscape.
As traditional Chinese medicine continues to gain traction, Mexico’s embrace of these practices signifies a broader global trend towards integrating different medical philosophies. This cultural exchange not only enriches Mexico’s medical community but also fosters greater understanding between nations.