Saudi Arabia, nestled on the Arabian Peninsula, is renowned for its vast desert landscapes, including the Rub’al Khali, or Empty Quarter, one of the world’s largest sand deserts. The country’s climate is predominantly dry and hot, with daytime temperatures soaring between 40 to 50 degrees Celsius, and nighttime temperatures dropping to around 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Despite the harsh environment, Saudi Arabia is home to a variety of wildlife uniquely adapted to these arid conditions.
The Arabian Leopard: The Elusive Big Cat
The Arabian leopard, the smallest of the leopard subspecies yet the largest cat in the Arabian Peninsula, is a symbol of the region’s extraordinary biodiversity. Described in 1830, this elusive big cat once roamed widely across the rugged hills and mountainous terrains of the Arabian Peninsula.
By the late 1970s, the population of the Arabian leopard had significantly declined due to habitat loss and other threats. In 2008, estimates suggested that between 45 and 200 individuals remained across three isolated subpopulations in western Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Yemen. Alarmingly, by 2023, the total population is believed to have dwindled to between 100 and 120 individuals, primarily in Oman and Yemen. Sadly, the Arabian leopard is now possibly extinct in Saudi Arabia.
Despite its small size compared to other leopards, the Arabian leopard’s resilience and adaptation to the harsh desert environment make it a remarkable creature. Its elusive nature and dwindling numbers highlight the urgent need for conservation efforts to preserve this iconic species for future generations.