In the serene surroundings of Daliang Mountain in Ninghai County, Ningbo City, east China’s Zhejiang Province, an extraordinary tale of companionship unfolds. Xing Xing, a one-armed monkey, has shared a remarkable 15-year bond with an 85-year-old Buddhist nun and a 78-year-old monk residing in a secluded temple.
Despite her wild origins, Xing Xing has developed human-like qualities through years of close interaction with her elderly guardians. She skillfully shells nuts, her actions mirroring the calm contemplation of the nun and monk as she gazes thoughtfully across the distant mountains from her favored perch atop a stone basin.
Considering that a monkey’s lifespan is roughly three to five human years, Xing Xing is estimated to be around 80 in human terms, making her a peer in age to her caretakers. This unique relationship highlights the deep connection that can form between humans and wildlife when mutual respect and understanding are at the forefront.
Yet, Xing Xing maintains her innate wildness. She can become defensive if startled, a reminder of her natural instincts. While she visits the temple daily to spend time with the nun and monk, she chooses to sleep in the mountains, preserving her link to the wild and the freedom it represents.
The story of Xing Xing and her guardians is a testament to the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. It underscores how empathy and peaceful living can bridge the gap between species, fostering relationships that transcend traditional boundaries.