Renowned Hungarian pianist and composer Balazs Havasi captivated audiences at China Media Group’s (CMG) 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival Gala with his signature rock-star approach to classical music. Known for blending the discipline of classical piano with the energy of world music, Havasi delivered a performance that was both visually and musically stunning.
Backstage at the gala, Havasi shared insights into his upcoming performance. “I aim to bridge cultures through music,” he said. “Performing at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala allows me to connect with the Chinese audience on this special occasion.”
The pianist’s innovative style breaks the traditional boundaries of classical concerts, incorporating dynamic stage elements that create an immersive experience. His appearance at the gala marks a highlight in his ongoing relationship with China, following a successful tour earlier this year.
Reflecting on his China tour, Havasi expressed gratitude for the warm reception he received. “The enthusiasm of the audiences here inspires me. It’s a privilege to share my music with such passionate listeners,” he noted.
Havasi’s performance at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is a testament to the growing cultural exchange between Hungary and China. By infusing classical music with modern flair, he continues to draw in new audiences and promote a global appreciation for the arts.
Hungarian pianist Havasi brings rock star persona to grand celebration