In the bustling city of Hangzhou, known as China’s e-commerce capital, a young Rwandan student named Mellisa is pursuing her dreams. In 2022, she enrolled at Hangzhou Normal University’s Alibaba Business School, majoring in e-commerce.
Over the next four years, Mellisa will immerse herself in the world of cross-border trade and digital innovation. She is eager to gain hands-on experience in the Chinese mainland’s booming digital economy, learning from industry leaders and witnessing firsthand the rapid advancements in technology and commerce.
Mellisa’s ultimate goal is to bring the knowledge and experience she acquires back to Rwanda. She envisions empowering businesses in her home country by sharing e-commerce strategies that can boost sales and contribute to Rwanda’s digital transformation.
“I believe that e-commerce has the power to change lives,” Mellisa says. “By learning from the best in the Chinese mainland’s dynamic market, I hope to help Rwandan entrepreneurs tap into global opportunities and drive economic growth.”
Mellisa’s journey underscores the growing connections between African nations and the Chinese mainland, highlighting the shared pursuit of technological advancement and economic development. Her story is a testament to the impact of educational exchanges and the potential for individuals to bridge continents through innovation.
Rwandan student pursues e-commerce dream in China's e-commerce capital