In a groundbreaking initiative, Bengbu Medical University (BMU) in eastern China’s Anhui Province is harnessing quantum computing to accelerate the development of small molecule drugs. This collaboration with Origin Quantum Computing Technology Co., Ltd., a Hefei-based quantum computing company, aims to revolutionize pharmaceutical research and development by enhancing the efficiency and precision of drug design.
Small molecule drugs, known for their ability to easily penetrate cell membranes and interact with target proteins, play a crucial role in therapeutic treatments. Traditionally, the design of these drugs relies on molecular docking techniques using high-performance computer clusters. However, this process is often time-consuming and lacks the desired accuracy due to computational limitations.
“Quantum computing technology offers a novel approach to overcome the bottlenecks in traditional drug design,” said Zhang Yixuan, a researcher at BMU’s School of Pharmacy. “By significantly improving computation speed and precision, we can expedite the molecular docking process to find optimal matches between small molecules and target proteins.”
Origin Quantum’s team has developed a series of applications for drug design based on their third-generation superconducting quantum computer, the Origin Wukong. This cutting-edge technology can effectively predict the properties of drug molecules and their interactions, paving the way for more efficient and precise drug screening.
“Our quantum computing solutions lay a solid foundation for designing small molecule drugs,” remarked Dou Menghan, vice director of the Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center of Anhui Province. “This advancement will accelerate the development of innovative drugs and foster significant progress in the life sciences sector.”
The integration of quantum computing into drug development represents a significant leap forward in the pharmaceutical industry. By embracing this technology, China is positioning itself at the forefront of medical innovation, offering new hope for faster and more effective treatments in the future.
China enhances small molecule drug development using quantum computing