Kevin Varend, a renowned cognitive scientist and artificial intelligence (AI) expert from Estonia, recently embarked on a journey to the Chinese mainland to delve into its rich culture and burgeoning business environment. The visit, organized by the Shijingshan Future Industry Education Center, provided Varend with firsthand experience of the nation’s rapid modernization and technological advancements.
During his stay, Varend sat down with CGTN’s Enoch Wong to share his insights on the striking parallels between Estonia’s tech-driven ecosystem and China’s swift progression in innovation. “The collective consciousness here is palpable,” Varend noted. “There’s a shared vision of the future that fuels the pace of innovation.”
Varend observed that both Estonia and China hold a deep respect for tradition while simultaneously embracing forward-thinking approaches. This balance, he believes, is instrumental in building impactful technologies that not only advance industries but also foster global collaboration. “Our dedication to preserving cultural heritage while pushing technological boundaries creates a unique environment for innovation,” he said.
Highlighting the importance of international cooperation, Varend expressed optimism about the potential partnerships between Estonian and Chinese enterprises. “By learning from each other’s experiences and strengths, we can drive AI and cognitive science forward, benefiting societies worldwide,” he added.
Varend’s visit underscores the growing interest among global experts in China’s technological landscape. As both countries continue to advance in the fields of AI and cognitive science, such exchanges are vital for sharing knowledge and fostering mutual growth.
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