In Qufu City, the birthplace of the renowned philosopher Confucius, the Tenth Nishan Forum on World Civilizations commenced under the theme “Traditional Culture and Modern Civilization.” From July 10 to 11, this significant event in east China’s Shandong Province will host a series of activities aimed at bridging the past and the present.
Participants from around the globe have gathered in Qufu to engage in high-level interviews, parallel forums, and keynote speeches. These activities are designed to foster dialogue between diverse cultures and explore how traditional values can harmoniously coexist with modern societal developments.
The forum serves as a platform for scholars, cultural enthusiasts, and policymakers to delve into the relevance of ancient wisdom in today’s world. By highlighting the teachings of Confucius and other historical figures, the event seeks to inspire new perspectives on contemporary issues.
As the city of Qufu welcomes guests to its historic streets, the Tenth Nishan Forum embodies a melding of tradition and innovation, encouraging attendees to reflect on the enduring impact of cultural heritage in shaping modern civilization.
Live: Opening ceremony of Tenth Nishan Forum on World Civilizations