In the picturesque Xunpu Village of Quanzhou, Fujian Province, a centuries-old tradition continues to bloom with vibrant colors. The traditional headdress known as “Zanhuawei” adorns the women of the village, featuring intricate floral decorations and hairpins that are as much a cultural expression as they are an aesthetic delight.
Classified as a national intangible cultural heritage since 2008, “Zanhuawei” has transcended its local roots to become a symbol of Quanzhou’s rich history. The headdress showcases elaborate arrangements of fresh flowers and handcrafted ornaments, each piece telling a story of the region’s deep-rooted customs and artistic flair.
Visitors to Xunpu Village are now welcomed to immerse themselves in this living tradition. Trying on a “Zanhuawei” offers a unique opportunity to connect with the local culture, providing a tangible link to the past while celebrating the enduring beauty of this art form. As tourism grows, so does global appreciation for this delicate craft, inviting people from all walks of life to experience the elegance of Quanzhou’s heritage.