The Japanese documentary film “The Yangtze River,” which premiered in Japan in April, is set to debut in Chinese theaters this Friday, May 24. Directed by Ryo Takeuchi, the film explores the lives and stories along China’s Yangtze River, fostering a deeper understanding between the Japanese and Chinese people.
In an exclusive interview with CGTN, Director Takeuchi shared his observations on audience reactions. “When this film was released earlier this year in Japan, I paid particular attention to the moviegoers’ reactions in a Japanese cinema and found that everyone reacted in a similar way, whether laughing or crying, around the same point in a movie scene,” he said.
Takeuchi’s insight highlights the shared human experiences and emotions between the people of Japan and China. The director believes that despite cultural differences, audiences in both countries connect with the universal themes portrayed in the film.
“People live similar lives in China and Japan,” Takeuchi noted. “Through this film, I hope to bridge cultural gaps and promote mutual understanding between our nations.”
The upcoming release in China offers an opportunity for Chinese audiences to see their own stories through the lens of a foreign filmmaker, potentially deepening cross-cultural appreciation.
People live similar lives in China and Japan: Japanese director