In a groundbreaking effort to protect endangered rhinoceros populations, South African researchers have embarked on a six-month study utilizing nuclear technology to deter poaching. The team successfully inserted low doses of radioisotopes into the horns of 20 live rhinos, aiming to make the illicit trade of rhino horn detectable and, therefore, less appealing to poachers.
The Rhisotope Project, based at South Africa’s University of the Witwatersrand, is led by James Larkin from the university’s Radiation and Health Physics Unit. “By integrating small, measured quantities of radioisotopes into rhino horns, we can leverage radiation detection systems at international borders, harbors, airports, and land crossings to intercept illegal shipments,” Larkin explained.
This innovative approach seeks to create a global detection network, making smuggling rhino horns exceedingly risky. Radiation detection portals are commonly used worldwide for security purposes, and incorporating rhino horn into the list of detectable materials could serve as a powerful deterrent to poachers and traffickers.
The illicit trade in rhino horn is driven by demand in various countries, where it is falsely believed to have medicinal properties. Despite international bans, poaching remains a severe threat to rhinos, with criminal networks exploiting gaps in enforcement and detection.
“Our goal is not to harm the animals but to protect them,” Larkin emphasized. “The radioisotopes used are safe for the rhinos but make their horns traceable and unappealing to those attempting to smuggle them.”
The project has garnered international attention and collaboration from scientists, conservationists, and governments. If successful, this method could be a significant step forward in wildlife conservation efforts, potentially replicable for other endangered species facing similar threats.
Conservationists hope that innovative technologies like this will bolster existing anti-poaching measures and lead to a decline in illegal wildlife trade. The success of the Rhisotope Project could pave the way for new strategies in the ongoing fight to preserve the world’s most vulnerable species.
South African researchers pilot nuclear technology to tackle poaching